Value added building enclosure planning, construction + maintenance.

Holton has procured and delivered hundreds of new construction and renovation projects nationwide serving the Federal, Municipal, and Private sectors, teaming with select Real Estate Development firms, along with general and specialty contractors.

We excel building project teams using Integrated Project Delivery and Pull Plans methodologies as our preferred means of delivery, promoting stakeholder collaboration and transparency starting with strategy phase, working throughout to the final closeout of the project.

Company Profile

Exterior image of music city center in nashville, tennessee

We are motivated to deliver Energy Efficient Building Enclosure Design + Construction + Management projects. We specialize in purpose built facility solutions:

  • Energy Conscious Roof Restoration 
  • Efficiency Conscious Concrete Restoration
  • Risk Reduction / Predictive maintenance programs
  • Facility Lifecycle data management programs
  • Energy Efficient Facade Restoration

We don’t compete on price, we compete on value. Contracting that relies on low cost provider, hard bid delivery methods is not for us. Assuming responsibility for the lifecycle of our projects provides value to all stakeholders in that we take ownership of the deliverable.

Some of Our Signature Projects

Aberdeen, MD

Music City Center
Nashville, TN

Duke Realty Tower Parking Garage
Raleigh, NC

Hangar 24
Irvine, CA

UCLA Student Housing
Westwood, CA

See Bee Museum
Port Hueneme, CA

Hilton Hotel
Anaheim, CA

Four Seasons Resort
Calistoga, CA

Santa Barbara Bowl
Santa Barbara, CA

Westin 7 Mile Beach
Grand Cayman, CI

Santa Barbara Airport and Rental Car Facility
Santa Barbara, CA

Isla Vista Elementary
Santa Barbara, CA

Sierra Canyon High School
Chatsworth, CA

Zodos Renovation
Santa Barbara, CA

Defense Information Systems Analysis
Fort Meade, MD

Colorado History Museum
Denver, CO

Command Control Center
Fort Bliss, TX

Command Control Center
Vandenburg AFB, CA

Special Forces Headquarters
Fort Bragg, NC

Fort Bragg, NC

Battalion Headquarters
Camp Lejune, NC

108th Air Battalion Barracks
Fort Bragg, NC

Federal Correctional Facility
Aliceville, AL

Washington DC

VA Spinal Cord Research Facility
Syracuse, NY

Strategic Air Command Headquarters
Eglin AFB, FL

Federal Courthouse
Orlando, FL

Working Artists Of Ventura
Ventura, CA

National Institute of Health
Washington DC

US Telcom Headquarters
Fort Gordon, GA

FAA Control Tower
Atlanta, GA

New Dining Facility
Fort Benning, GA

Holton  utilizes a three phase, overlapping management model which provides multiple quality control check points along the way from project procurement through final closeout. Our company wide belief is that the greater the effort on the first two phases, the smoother the ride on the third.

Procurement Effort:

  • Understand the needs of the client in regards to the specifics of the project
  • Align the clients’ needs with a sensible solution inclusive of cost analysis and timelines
  • Craft project development plan which produces win-win business for all stakeholders

Pre-Construction Effort:

  • Fully understand the clients’ expectations regarding Holton’s’ role in the project
  • Publish and continually track scheduling tool inclusive of critical and non critical path items
  • Execute the submittal process inclusive of shop drawings, renderings, modeling, samples, etc…all
  • Execute all contracts with client, vendors, sub tier contractors, partnering firms, etc…all

Construction Effort:

  • Fully understand the clients’ expectations as they have now been aligned with a functioning submittal package
  • Safely execute scope of work as contracted
  • Closeout project on time and on budget

Kirk H. Autio

Mr. Autio’s specialty is team building, using design build, pull plans, and IPD strategies throughout each step in the process of developing Holton’s projects. Win-win business coupled with respectful representation have earned Holton repeat business with many established real estate development and construction firms.


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